Expertise in all diagnostic and therapeutic radiologic modalities
Baylor Radiologists rely on a variety of techniques to visualize normal and abnormal conditions. Learn more about our services and the key benefits of our radiology imaging services.
Baylor Radiologists rely on a variety of techniques to visualize normal and abnormal conditions. Learn more about our services and the key benefits of our radiology imaging services.
Baylor Radiologists offers an array of minimally invasive interventional procedures for the treatment of various cancers, including hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer), renal cell carcinoma (primary kidney cancer), and certain types cancers that have spread to the liver (i.e. neuroendocrine tumor and colon cancer). The interventional radiologists work closely with surgeons, oncologists, hepatologists, and [...]
Baylor Radiologists uses several different imaging modalities including mammography, ultrasound and MRI to evaluate the breasts. Generally, mammography is used as the initial screening test. Mammography Screening mammography usually consists of 2 views of each breast and can assist your physician in the detection of breast cancer. Yearly mammograms [...]
Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is a nonsurgical alternative for the alleviation of symptoms caused by uterine fibroids. It has been shown to be extremely effective in controlling heavy bleeding resulting from uterine fibroids as well as control bulk symptoms related to uterine fibroids. These symptoms include frequent urination, constipation, back pain and pelvic pressure. [...]
Since the turn of the 19th century, cardiovascular disease has become the number one killer in the United States. Many modalities are available for the assessment of coronary artery disease (CAD). These include treadmill exercise stress test, stress echocardiography and nuclear myocardial perfusion study. Adenosine stress cardiac magnetic resonance imaging is also a recent modality [...]
Vertebral compression fractures are fractures of the bones that make up the spinal column often resulting in severe and debilitating pain. Compression fractures are a common symptom of osteoporosis which is a loss of the normal bone density. Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive procedure for vertebral compression fractures. It involves placing a hollow needle [...]
X-ray Also known as radiography, X-rays are the oldest medical imaging modality. They have been in use since 1895 when they were discovered by a German physicist named Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. A beam of x rays passing through a specific part of a patient's body is used to produce the X-ray image. As [...]